[Bioperl-l] question about bioperl program

yongli@yeslab.com yongli at yeslab.com
Sat Dec 1 06:10:15 UTC 2012

Dear Sir or Madam,


 I just begin to learn bioperl and am using a bioperl program to extract a kind of bacterial genes sequences from genome genbank file. I download NC_003450.gbk, ppt, ffn files. NC_003450 is a kind of bacterial genome genbank file. My bioperl code as follows:


 use Bio::Seq;

  use Bio::SeqIO;


  $seqio_obj=Bio::SeqIO->new (-file=>'NC_003450.gbk',-format=>'genbank');

  # $seq_obj=$seqio_obj->next_seq;







  $acc = $seq_obj->accession_number;

  $seqio_obj = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => '>sequence.fasta', -format => 'fasta' );




 After the program runned I just gain a genome complete sequence without a file including every gene sequence one by one. I want to get the genes sequences one by one in a fasta files.  So I write you for help.


 Yong Li

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