[Bioperl-l] Parsing PAML mlc files
Lorenzo Carretero Paulet
locarpau at upvnet.upv.es
Thu Sep 1 10:49:06 EDT 2011
Hi all,
I'm trying to parse mlc output files from PAML using Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML as:
my $mlcfile = "/Applications/Bioinformatics/paml44/bin/mlc";
my $parserF = Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML->new (-file =>$mclfile);
if ( my $paml_result = $parserF->next_result )
say Dumper $paml_result; #Prints Ok
for ( my $model_result= $paml_result->get_NSSite_results )
#say Dumper $model_result; #Prints nothing
$ns_string = "model ".$model_result->model_num."\n
".$model_result->model_description()."\n ".$model_result->time_used."\n";
$dnds_site_classes = $model_result->dnds_site_classes; #a hashref
#say Dumper $dnds_site_classes;
for my $sites ( $model_result->get_BEB_pos_selected_sites )
The Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML::Result object is ok, as I can print it using
DUmper. In contrast, it seems that the Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML::ModelResult
object is not being properly instantiated, as I get the error message:
"Can't call method "model_num" without a package or object reference at ..."
What am I missing?
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