[Bioperl-l] Bio-Graphics module

jluis.lavin at unavarra.es jluis.lavin at unavarra.es
Fri Sep 30 04:23:19 EDT 2011

Dear All,

I'm currently using Perl 5.10.0 version and Bioperl 1.6.1 running on a
windows machine.

I read about the Bio-Graphics module and it'd be wonderful to install it,
but seems like it is  only available for Perl 5.8...
Is there any other Perl and/or Bioperl module to do the same kind of
genomic and Blast report representation currently available?

Thanks in advance

Dr. José Luis Lavín Trueba

Dpto. de Producción Agraria
Grupo de Genética y Microbiología
Universidad Pública de Navarra
31006 Pamplona

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