[Bioperl-l] retrieving bioperl version for scripts

Fields, Christopher J cjfields at illinois.edu
Thu Sep 29 11:07:27 EDT 2011

On Sep 28, 2011, at 5:07 PM, Carnë Draug wrote:

> 2011/9/28 Fields, Christopher J <cjfields at illinois.edu>:
>> On Sep 28, 2011, at 10:00 AM, Carnë Draug wrote:
>>> 2011/9/28 longbow leo <longbow0 at gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi, Carnë,
>>>> Do you mean this:
>>>> perl -MBio::SeqIO -e 'print $Bio::SeqIO::VERSION'
>>>> In my machine, the output is
>>> Thank you. Yes this is what I was looking for. I looked down how that
>>> variable comes up and so I think I'll use
>>> use Bio::Root::Version;
>>> say $Bio::Root::Version::VERSION;
>>> Carnë
>> Just a warning on this: we're shortly to announce a major restructuring effort with BioPerl that will dramatically affect core versioning, mainly from the point of view that modularizing BioPerl into more manageable sub-distributions will require that each sub-distribution have it's own version (not necessarily a bad thing).
> Where will the scripts end up after this restructuration? What I want
> is to create a version of the script (not of bioperl). Since the
> script is released with bioperl, they are the same. I actually already
> made the commit that makes this, just haven't bothered with the pull
> request yet.
> Also, will there be a release before this change?
> Carnë

Scripts will likely go with the distribution that they most closely are tied to, but that's still an area for debate (some may equally fall within one distribution or another, which will be tricky).  

For more on the release aspects see the (currently being revised and thus not complete) wiki page:



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