[Bioperl-l] Question about a phylogenetic tree
Brian Osborne
bosborne11 at verizon.net
Tue Sep 20 13:01:21 EDT 2011
I have code that starts with a sequence file and makes a tree (Bio::Tree::Tree) using Muscle to align and then Phyml, here's the last part that makes the tree:
..... get the files etc ....
my %alignparams = (
-seqtype => 'nucleo',
-usetree_nowarn => $guidetreefile,
-in => $tempfile
my $aligner = Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Muscle->new(%alignparams);
# $align is a Bio::SimpleAlign object
my $align = $aligner->align($tempfile);
my %treeparams = (
-data_type => 'nt',
-model => 'K80', # Kimura
-tree => 'BIONJ',
-bootstrap => 1000
my $treemaker = Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phyml->new(%treeparams);
#$tree is a Bio::Tree::Tree object
my $tree = $treemaker->run($align);
My question: do I get the pairwise distance between 2 sequences (based on Kimura here) by doing something like:
$distance = $tree->subtree_length($internal_node)
Where $internal_node is the parent of the pair in question? Excuse me if this is obvious, have never made Bioperl trees before!
Brian O.
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