[Bioperl-l] Problem with parsing blast results

anastsia shapiro uni.anastasia at gmail.com
Sat Nov 26 12:32:48 EST 2011


I'm running a script that should parse a blast results, using searchIO.

Sometimes the script work fines, however sometimes it stops, and I receive
the following error.

------------- EXCEPTION -------------
MSG: no data for midline Query
STACK Bio::SearchIO::blast::next_result C:/Perl64/site/lib/Bio\SearchIO\
STACK toplevel
While the blast results files were received as a result of running the
following blast command:
blastn -task blastn -db xxxxxxxxx.txt -evalue 1e-10 -perc_identity 80 -dust
no -num_descriptions 0  -query xxxxx.txt -out results.txt -strand plus

I am using bioperl 1.6.1.
I read all the forums , and it seems to be a bug, but on version 1.5 it was

I will really appreciate your help, since I am trying to understand the
problem for over a month.


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