[Bioperl-l] How to color leaves of a tree by Bio::Tree::Draw::Cladogram?

longbow leo longbow0 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 11:48:16 EDT 2011

Dear all,

I am using the module Bio::Tree::Draw::Cladogram to create a tree diagram.
But when I tried to color the tree leaves, the diagram was still without any

How can I color tree leave? Thanks in advance.

Here is my script:



use strict;
use warnings;

use Bio::TreeIO;
use Bio::Tree::Draw::Cladogram;

my $treei = Bio::TreeIO->new(
    -fh     => \*DATA,
    -format => 'newick',

my $tree = $treei->next_tree;

# Color node 'B' to red
my ($nodeB) = $tree->find_node( -id => 'B' );

$nodeB->add_tag_value('Rcolor', 1);
$nodeB->add_tag_value('Gcolor', 0);
$nodeB->add_tag_value('Bcolor', 0);

my $cg = Bio::Tree::Draw::Cladogram->new(
    -tree   => $tree,

$cg->print( -file => 'mytree.eps' );





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