[Bioperl-l] Beijing and Los Angeles Human NGS Biostatistics/Informatics jobs

Allen Day, PhD allenday at ionflux.com
Mon Aug 22 14:40:33 EDT 2011

 Hi all,

Ion Flux is a startup that I just created to apply NGS technology to the
clinical diagnostics field.  We like to think of ourselves as an enterprise
class "23andme".  This is an early-stage startup -- you will have a chance
to influence the company and to be rewarded accordingly.  I am Allen, the

We have a couple of open positions - for smart, passionate, scientist /
engineering types.  Others need not apply.  Please check out these job
descriptions, if this sparks your interest:


Our offices are in Los Angeles (UCLA adjacent) and Beijing (º£µí@ËÕÖݽÖ).

I'm happy to post future openings to other lists in the future if this isn't
the right venue for an occasional job announcement.


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