[Bioperl-l] Problem with paml+codeml

subarna thakur bubli_thakur at rediffmail.com
Wed Apr 20 04:38:07 EDT 2011

HiI am using the bioperl script to calculate the ka/ks ratio for a no. of sequence using PAML. As the script runs, a tmp file is generated  and mlc file is also generated in tmp folder. I have checked the mlc file and it seems to be ok. But  the align_output file comes as-SEQ1  SEQ2  Ka    Ks   Ka/Ks    PROT_PERCENTIDThe ouput file is blank without any ka-ks value.The script I am using is follows-------------------------------------------------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::PAML::Codeml;
use Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Clustalw;

# for projecting alignments from protein to R/DNA space
use Bio::Align::Utilities qw(aa_to_dna_aln);
# for input of the sequence data
use Bio::SeqIO;
use Bio::AlignIO;
BEGIN { $ENV{CLUSTALDIR} = '/usr/local/bin' } 
BEGIN { $ENV{PAMLDIR} = '/root/Desktop/paml44/bin' } 
BEGIN { $ENV{TMPDIR} = '/tmp' } 

my $aln_factory = Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Clustalw->new;
my $seqdata = shift || 'nt.fasta';

my $seqio = new Bio::SeqIO(-file => $seqdata,
-format => 'fasta');
my %seqs;
my @prots;
# process each sequence
while ( my $seq = $seqio->next_seq ) {
$seqs{$seq->display_id} = $seq;
# translate them into protein
my $protein = $seq->translate();
my $pseq = $protein->seq();
if( $pseq =~ /\*/ &&
$pseq !~ /\*$/ ) {
warn("provided a CDS sequence with a stop codon, PAML will choke!");
# Tcoffee can't handle '*' even if it is trailing
$pseq =~ s/\*//g;
push @prots, $protein;

if( @prots < 2 ) {
warn("Need at least 2 CDS sequences to proceed");

open(OUT, ">align_output.txt") || die("cannot open output align_output for writing");
# Align the sequences with clustalw
my $aa_aln = $aln_factory->align(\@prots);
# project the protein alignment back to CDS coordinates
my $dna_aln = aa_to_dna_aln($aa_aln, \%seqs);

my @each = $dna_aln->each_seq();

my $kaks_factory = Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::PAML::Codeml->new(-save_tempfiles => 1);
( -params => { 'runmode' => -2,
'seqtype' => 1,
} );

# set the alignment object
my ($rc,$parser) = $kaks_factory->run();
my $result = $parser->next_result();
my $MLmatrix = $result->get_MLmatrix();
my @otus = $result->get_seqs();
my @pos = map {
my $c= 1;
foreach my $s ( @each ) {
last if( $s->display_id eq $_->display_id );
} @otus;
print OUT join("\t", qw(SEQ1 SEQ2 Ka Ks Ka/Ks PROT_PERCENTID CDNA_PERCENTID)), "\n";
for( my $i = 0; $i < (scalar @otus -1) ; $i++) {
for( my $j = $i+1; $j < (scalar @otus); $j++ ) {
my $sub_aa_aln = $aa_aln->select_noncont($pos[$i],$pos[$j]);
my $sub_dna_aln = $dna_aln->select_noncont($pos[$i],$pos[$j]);
print OUT join("\t", 
), "\n";
Can anybody please suggest what is wrong with the script? I think something is wrong in the end section particularly the counter. RegardsSubarna

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