[Bioperl-l] [Gmod-schema] bp_genbank2gff3.pl in bioperl-live: why map CDS to gene_component_region?

Leighton Pritchard lpritc at scri.ac.uk
Wed Mar 24 08:05:08 EDT 2010


I'm surprised that this issue hasn't come up already, as the change to the
gene model is quite significant.  For comparison, this is what the old
bp_genbank2gff3.pl script would produce with --CDS:

NC_000913    GenBank    gene    190    255    .    +    .
ECK0001%2C JW4367;gene=thrL;locus_tag=b0001
NC_000913    GenBank    mRNA    190    255    .    +    .
NC_000913    GenBank    CDS    190    255    .    +    .
: threonine biosynthetic process [goid
0009088];Ontology_term=GO:0009088;codon_start=1;function=leader%3B Amino
acid biosynthesis: Threonine, metabolism%3B building block
biosynthesis%3B amino acids%3B
threonine;gene=thrL;locus_tag=b0001;product=thr operon leader
NC_000913    GenBank    exon    190    255    .    +    .    Parent=thrL.t01

and with --noCDS:

NC_000913    GenBank    gene    190    255    .    +    .
ECK0001%2C JW4367;gene=thrL;locus_tag=b0001
NC_000913    GenBank    mRNA    190    255    .    +    .
NC_000913    GenBank    polypeptide    190    255    .    +    .
rocess: threonine biosynthetic process [goid
0009088];Ontology_term=GO:0009088;codon_start=1;function=leader%3B Amino
acid biosynthesis: Threonine, metabolism%3B building block
biosynthesis%3B amino acids%3B
threonine;gene=thrL;locus_tag=b0001;product=thr operon leader
NC_000913    GenBank    exon    190    255    .    +    .    Parent=thrL.t01

The new script produces this identical output with both --CDS and --noCDS:

NC_000913       GenBank region  190     255     .       +       .
NC_000913       GenBank exon    190     255     .       +       .
NC_000913       GenBank gene    190     255     .       +       .
ECK0001%2C JW4367;gene=thrL;locus_tag=b0001
NC_000913       GenBank gene_component_region   190     255     .       +
,EcoGene:EG11277,ECOCYC:EG11277,GeneID:944742;Note=GO_process: threonine
biosynthetic process [goid
0009088];Ontology_term=GO:0009088;codon_start=1;function=leader%3B Amino
acid biosynthesis: Threonine, metabolism%3B building block
biosynthesis%3B amino acids%3B
threonine;gene=thrL;locus_tag=b0001;product=thr operon leader

So, although the new script improves the parent-child relationships by
identifying parents on the locus_tag field (guaranteed to be unique), rather
than gene name (not guaranteed to be unique), the GFF3 gene model has
apparently changed from canonical:

gene <- mRNA <- {polypeptide/CDS, exon}

to this:

region ; exon ; gene <- gene_component_region

So I guess I don't understand the region-exon-gene part of the new model,
after all.  This new model doesn't appear to be Sequence Ontology-compatible
any more (e.g. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1175956/) as exon
is no longer considered part_of the transcript.  In fact, there's not a
transcript.  Given that the SO cite bp_genbank2gff3.pl as a way to get
SO-compliant GFF3 
(http://www.sequenceontology.org/resources/faq.html#convert), this might be
an issue requiring a prompt fix or reversion.

For now, due to the downstream problems this model causes with GBROWSE and
ARTEMIS, I'm going to go back to BioPerl 1.6.1, with a modification to the
script to use the locus_tag field rather than the gene field for the feature



On 23/03/2010 Tuesday, March 23, 18:18, "Scott Cain" <scott at scottcain.net>

> Hi Leighton,
> I wonder if this is a change stemming from Nathan's work on this
> script.  Nathan?
> Scott

Dr Leighton Pritchard MRSC
D131, Plant Pathology Programme, SCRI
Errol Road, Invergowrie, Perth and Kinross, Scotland, DD2 5DA
e:lpritc at scri.ac.uk       w:http://www.scri.ac.uk/staff/leightonpritchard
gpg/pgp: 0xFEFC205C       tel:+44(0)1382 562731 x2405

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