[Bioperl-l] Get a partial GenBank of a circular DNA

Roi Brodo roi.brodo at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 16 03:10:45 EDT 2010


Suppose I have some circular DNA RefSeq in a Genbank format. I would 
like to create a new (smaller) Genbank file (both features and sequence)
 containing only a range of nucleotides from the original file, but a 
range tha overlaps the "end". For example, if my original Genbank spans 
1,000,000 base (1-1,000,000) I would like to get join(800,000-1,000,000,
 1-100,000), so the new Genbank file will actually contain 300,000 bp 
from the circular DNA.

How can I do that? Again, my input is a Genbank file and output should 
also be a Gebnank file.


- Roi

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