[Bioperl-l] Bio-Perl workload for benchmarking Perl

Christopher Fields cjfields1 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 6 10:54:38 EDT 2010

Forwarding on to the mail list.  My hands are pretty full for the next couple of weeks, but I'll see what I can do from my end.

Anyone have something they can contribute to this?


On Apr 6, 2010, at 3:37 AM, Steffen Schwigon wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm currently collecting workloads for Perl that are worth
> benchmarking in order to generate numbers with which in turn I hope to
> create a long-term use case (and maybe even a business-case for
> someone) where Perl could be improved.
> The near-term goal is just getting benchmark numbers.
> You seem to be active in Bio-Perl. 
> I saw you in the GSoC 2010 announcement.
> Could you provide me examples of heavy workloads that I could run and
> that are meaningful to users/consumers of Bio-Perl?
> I would need it ready prepared so that I can start it with just
> dependencies from CPAN as I don't know anything about Bio-Perl.
> Ideally something that leverages parallelism suited for
> multi-core/multi-cpu machines.
> Initially I would integrate this into my Benchmark::Perl::Formance
> suite on CPAN but the background of this effort is to make it
> “corporate” relevant.
> Feel free to pass-through this request to someone more appropriate.
> Thanks.
> Kind regards,
> Steffen 
> -- 
> Steffen Schwigon <ss5@@renormalist.net>
> Dresden Perl Mongers <http://dresden-pm.org/>

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