[Bioperl-l] Google Summer of Code student Chase Miller

Jason Stajich jason at bioperl.org
Mon May 11 12:24:06 EDT 2009

Welcome Chase.

Look forward to the project and helping where needed.


On May 11, 2009, at 7:31 AM, Mark A. Jensen wrote:

> Hello all,
> With great pleasure, I want to introduce Chase Miller, my Google  
> Summer of Code student from George Washington University, to the  
> community. Chase will be working with me and Rutger Vos on a BioPerl  
> wrapper for Rutger's Bio::Phylo package, with a particular emphasis  
> on creating a BioPerl-native way to import and export the NeXML (http://nexml.org 
> ) phylogenetic data format. He wrote a great proposal, available  
> here: https://www.nescent.org/wg_phyloinformatics/PhyloSoC:BioPerl_integration_of_the_NeXML_exchange_standard_and_Bio::Phylo_toolkit 
> .
> We will be working throughout the summer on the project, and will of  
> course come to you for sage advice. I know you will welcome him  
> warmly, as you did me.
> Cheers,
> Mark
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Jason Stajich
jason at bioperl.org

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