[Bioperl-l] bioperl / emboss on windows

uludag at ebi.ac.uk uludag at ebi.ac.uk
Tue May 5 00:55:46 EDT 2009

> I found beside mswin supporting, there is another problem:
> *open(WOSSOUT, "wossname -auto |")
> is not successful*, so the WOSSOUT is got empty, and the following while
> loop does not executed, in which important data is set.

As Scott wrote yesterday you can double check whether EMBOSS programs are
included in your PATH environment variable. Installing mEMBOSS (version of
EMBOSS for Windows) from EMBOSS ftp site should automatically update PATH
environment variable (otherwise you should update it manually, Control
Panel->System->Advanced->Environment Variables).


to check whether your PATH environment variable has successfully been
updated you can call 'wossname -auto' command from Windows Command Prompt,
it should return names of EMBOSS programs with their short descriptions.


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