[Bioperl-l] More on Eutilities get_Response problem

Chris Fields cjfields at illinois.edu
Fri May 8 08:27:09 EDT 2009

Append was working at some point (on Mac OS X).  Just curious, what OS  
are you using?

Regardless, there is some hacky code in get_Response to deal with  
possible filename issues, but I'll change that to delegate to a  
Bio::Root::IO for consistency, just in case.  Also, so it's available  
as an internal workaround, I'll add in a -fh (filehandle) option.

As a current workaround, you could open a file handle on your own and  
just print to it:

open(my $fh, '>>', 'mydata.gb');

# later in a loop

while (...) {
      print $fh $eutil->get_Response();


On May 7, 2009, at 6:00 PM, Warren Gallin wrote:

> Hi,
> 	I am using the get_response method inside a loop, so I want to  
> iteratively append the retrieved material to a file.
> 	If I pass temp_hold.gb as the file parameter a file called  
> temp_hold.gb is created and that file is successively overwritten as  
> I cycle through the loop.
> 	If I pass >temp_hold.gb as the file parameter a file called  
> temp_hold.gb is created and that file is successively overwritten as  
> I cycle through the loop.
> 	If I pass >>temp_hold.gb as the file parameter a file called  
> >temp_hold.gb (yes, the > is part of the file name) is created and  
> that file is successively overwritten as I cycle through the loop.
> 	Could it be that the way the file parameter is passed in has been  
> slightly broken so it is no loner reading the >> as an indicator to  
> append?
> Warren Gallin
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