[Bioperl-l] sub sampling

shalabh sharma shalabh.sharma7 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 16:06:31 EDT 2009

Hi All,           I was just wondering that is there any module is bioperl
that do subsampling?
I have a file like this:

369859  0477    93
163417  1348    92
228122  0176    88
232792  0050    93
239636  1850    95
300069  0048    96
244108  0046    91
199087  0055    93
206209  0048    96
-              -         -
-              -         -

which contain around 100,000 lines and i want to take out a sample of 25%
from this file. Is there any way i can do this in Bioperl?


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