[Bioperl-l] Bio::Graphics::DrawTransmembrane

Lincoln Stein lincoln.stein at gmail.com
Mon Jan 5 15:36:33 UTC 2009

Hi Tim,

You may or may not know that during the preparation for BioPerl 1.6 we split
Bio::Graphics off into its own CPAN distribution and are now hosting its CVS
at Sourceforge. During the split, I inadvertently grabbed
Bio::Graphics:DrawTransmembrane and moved it into Sourceforge along with the
rest of Bio::Graphics.

Do you want to maintain Transmembrane out of Sourceforge (I will give you
developer access), or move it back into BioPerl for SVN maintenance and
release as part of the main Bioperl distribution?


Lincoln D. Stein

Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
101 College St., Suite 800
Toronto, ON, Canada M5G0A3
416 673-8514
Assistant: Renata Musa <Renata.Musa at oicr.on.ca>

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