[Bioperl-l] Error Copying Hashes

Abhishek Pratap abhishek.vit at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 22:53:19 UTC 2009

Hi Guys

I think this one should be appropriate for here.

I am trying to copy a hash  (spaced out below for the sake of readability}

%  {  $OUTPUT->{$dir}->{'file'}->{$file}->{'additive'}  }
 =%ADDITIVE_COUNT;     ## Where %ADDITIVE_COUNT is a simple hash.
 (key/value)  No references :

I am getting this error :-
Odd number of elements in hash assignment at ./assessCoverage.pl line 258

Seeing the dump of hash I see this

$VAR1 = {
         '/local/seq/' => { 'read_len' => 36,
                                                           'file' => {

 's_3_sorted.txt' => {

                                  'additive' => {

                                                         '8979/16384' =>
undef    #### I dont understand this behavior. Something unusual is going on


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