[Bioperl-l] Nightly build archives now available

Chris Fields cjfields at uiuc.edu
Fri Mar 7 14:28:36 UTC 2008

On Mar 7, 2008, at 8:10 AM, Sendu Bala wrote:

> Chris Fields wrote:
>> I haven't tried it out yet, to tell the truth.  The worry I have is  
>> prompting during the build process for database tests, networking,  
>> etc.
>> I have looked for it, but couldn't determine whether we have a way  
>> to run 'perl Build.PL' and bypass prompts with passed arguments.   
>> The only one I could find was 'network', for network tests.
>> Scott Cain and I have corresponded about this before, i.e. it would  
>> be nice to have boolean flags for each prompt (prereqs, database  
>> tests, scripts, network, etc).  For nightly PPMs I would forego  
>> tests and include scripts.
> I don't quite understand how you're making the nightlys right now,  
> but you should be using the dist actions:
> http://www.bioperl.org/wiki/Making_a_BioPerl_release
> Ie.
> One time (and one time only):
> perl Build.PL (it doesn't matter how you answer the questions)
> Then every night:
> ./Build dist
> ./Build ppmdist
> You then upload the resulting .tar.gz and .zip files.
> Only if Build.PL or ModuleBuildBioperl are updated might you need to:
> ./Build realclean
> perl Build.PL
> again. But this should be a rare event and even more rarely would it  
> be /required/ (probably never).

I'm not making a distribution; the archives are merely cleaned up svn  
checkouts (no .svn directories).  This is essentially what the  
net_install script would get when installing GBrowse using the 'dev'  
option, except you don't need to install Subversion to get updates.   
Also, at this point we don't have an analogous 'Download tarball'  
setting for browsable svn either, so this is a suitable alternative.

Again, I don't want to deal with prompts while running a cron job  
(this is a bash script), particularly if I can't guarantee the number  
of prompts or the prompting order won't change down the line.  If we  
can set up a way around that using passed args to Build.PL then it  
would make life much easier and we could automate 'Build dist', 'Build  
ppmdist', 'Build testcover', etc.


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