[Bioperl-l] bioperl-live install issue on unix

Chris Fields cjfields at illinois.edu
Wed Dec 10 11:40:59 EST 2008

On Dec 10, 2008, at 10:10 AM, Sean O'Keeffe wrote:

> at the risk of sounding idiotic, i've realised that the issue may have
> been of my own making.
> i had ssh'd to another server and hadn't thought about it when
> starting the install.
> i just assumed i was in my /home/dir  but was only virtually there.
> exiting from this, everything went smooth. apologies for all hassles  
> caused.
> my only other question is where has Bio::Graphics gone from the
> bioperl checkout on svn?
> sean.

Bio::Graphics is now separate from BioPerl as of 1.6.  It will be a  
separate installation via CPAN, see:


Note the bioperl README.

I am hoping to install a hook into Build.PL to post-install this or  
any any other split-off modules in the future, but we may just have a  
Bundle package to do this instead.  One of the remaining decisions for  


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