[Bioperl-l] reorgansing tests by group
Chris Fields
cjfields at illinois.edu
Wed Dec 3 22:39:13 EST 2008
You rock! (And consequently must be very tired).
I'll try moving BioPerlTest into Bio::Root::Test (might be tricky)...
On Dec 3, 2008, at 3:48 PM, Heikki Lehvaslaiho wrote:
> 2008/12/3 Chris Fields <cjfields at illinois.edu>:
>> On Dec 3, 2008, at 12:23 PM, Heikki Lehvaslaiho wrote:
>>> 2008/12/2 Chris Fields <cjfields at illinois.edu>:
>>>> Wow, I go to sleep and the tests are almost reorganized. Thanks
>>>> Heikki!
> I jsut had long flight that gave me time to think this through!
> Now they are done! The ones on the top level are deprecated,
> unfinished or can be left there (Perl.t & PodSyntax.t).
> I moved some tests from t/Tools into t/SeqTools. All of them give
> additional functionality to Sequence objects and are not parsers like
> tests in t/Tools directory. The exceptions in current t/Tools
> are Analysis subdirectory tests. I would have pulled them and
> t/Tools/Run/RemoteBlast.t into t/WebAnalysis.t
> I committed all in one go. I suspect that the mail generated is too
> long (like in your case) and does not get sent.
> -Heikki
>>>> The only (very small) caveat I find to using recursive tests is any
>>>> additional non-test files we add, including data for tests in
>>>> the /data
>>>> directory, must not end with *.t, otherwise the build file will
>>>> try to
>>>> run
>>>> it and bomb. There was one file I changed to .tt which is now
>>>> passed
>>>> over.
>>>> If needed we can move over to an autogenerated file which
>>>> explicitly
>>>> lists
>>>> the tests to run (this would likely be at a later point).
>>> Chris,
>>> I'll try to do the rests very soon now. Do not touch the t directory
>>> until I've committed by reorganisations!
>>>> On a related point, what does everyone think of moving
>>>> BioPerlTest to
>>>> core
>>>> so the other distributions can use it? I think it is worth doing
>>>> eventually, but it could possibly wait until 1.6.x or 1.7. I
>>>> have tested
>>>> it
>>>> out and it works but needs some dependency issues ironed out.
>>> Moving to core would be a good thing. Do it.
>>> -Heikki
>> ...also, just to note, the mail lists appear to be acting up
>> (support has
>> been notified). My commits last night are here:
>> http://lists.open-bio.org/pipermail/bioperl-guts-l/2008-December/date.html
>> chris
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