[Bioperl-l] Hsp_hit-from

Joshua Udall jaudall at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 20:51:50 EDT 2007

Bioperl -

I'm parsing an XML blast output using SearchIO and the usual fields seem to
work fine.

print $result->query_name . "\t" . $hit->name . "\n";

However, I'm curious as to the 5' position distribution of my hits.  So I'd
like to access this data field <Hsp_query-from> in the xml output file.  I
searched both the mailing lists and the Search docs including
*but I can't seem to find an example of someone accessing this data field.
Perhaps, I missed it, but do any of you have any suggestions as to how I
might get at the <Hsp_query-from> for each hit?  Thanks.


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