[Bioperl-l] chromatogram

Smithies, Russell Russell.Smithies at agresearch.co.nz
Wed Nov 14 19:57:49 UTC 2007

Here's my trace viewer.
Please excuse my dodgy Perl and debugging code as it's still under
development  :-)

Russell Smithies

Bioinformatics Software Developer
T +64 3 489 9085
E  russell.smithies at agresearch.co.nz

Invermay  Research Centre
Puddle Alley, 
New Zealand
T  +64 3 489 3809   
F  +64 3 489 9174  


#!perl -w
use ABI;

use GD::Graph::lines;
use GD::Graph::colour;
use GD::Graph::Data;

use Data::Dumper;

use Getopt::Long;

use constant HEIGHT => 300;

GetOptions ('h|height=i' => \$HEIGHT,
            'f|file=s' => \$FILE,
            'o|out=s' => \$OUTFILE,
            'l|left=s' => \$LEFT_SEQ,
            'r|right=s' => \$RIGHT_SEQ,
            's|size=i' => \$SIZE,
            ) || die <<USAGE;
Usage: perl $0 -h 400 -f 1188_13_14728111_16654_48544_080.ab1 -o
test2.png -l actacgtacgta -r atgatcgtacgtac
or perl $0 --height 400 --file 1188_13_14728111_16654_48544_080.ab1
--out test2.png --left actacgtacgta --right atgatcgtacgtac

--height <pixels> Set height of image (${\HEIGHT} pixels default)
--file <trace file-name> Filename for the ABI trace file
--out <output file-name> Filename for the generated .png image
--left <left end sequence>
--right <right end sequence>
--size <size of clipped fasta sequence>

Parse an ABI trace file and render a PNG image.
See http://search.cpan.org/dist/ABI/ABI.pm

my $height = $HEIGHT || HEIGHT;
my $file = $FILE;
my $outfile = $OUTFILE;

my $abi = ABI->new(-file=> $file);

my @trace_a = $abi->get_trace("A"); # Get the raw traces for "A"
my @trace_c = $abi->get_trace("C"); # Get the raw traces for "C"
my @trace_g = $abi->get_trace("G"); # Get the raw traces for "G"
my @trace_t = $abi->get_trace("T"); # Get the raw traces for "T"

my @base_calls = $abi->get_base_calls(); # Get the base calls
my $sequence =$abi->get_sequence();
@bp = split(//, $sequence);

# iterate over array
$size = $abi->get_trace_length();
for ($i=0,$count = 0; $i<$size; $i++) {
     if(grep(/\b$i\b/, @base_calls)){
       $bases[$i] = $bp[$count];
       $bases[$i] = ' ';

# create the data. see GD::Graph::Data for details of the format
my @data = (\@bases, \@trace_a, \@trace_c, \@trace_g, \@trace_t, );

my $graph = new GD::Graph::lines($abi->get_trace_length(),$height);
   title => $abi->get_sample_name(),
#	y_max_value => $abi->get_max_trace() + 50,
	x_max_value => $abi->get_trace_length(),
	t_margin => 5,
    b_margin => 5,
    l_margin => 5,
    r_margin => 5,
    x_ticks => 0,
    text_space => 0,
	line_width 	=> 1,
	transparent	=> 0,
	b_margin => 30,
	t_margin => 35,
	x_plot_values => 0,
	interlaced => 1,

# allocate some colors for drawing the bases
#use colors same as Chromas
$graph->set( dclrs => [ qw( green blue black red pink) ] );

#plot the data
my $gd = $graph->plot(\@data);

$black = $gd->colorAllocate(0,0,0);       # A
$blue = $gd->colorAllocate(0,0,255);      # C
$red = $gd->colorAllocate(255,0,0);       # G
$green = $gd->colorAllocate(0,255,0);     # T
$magenta =$gd->colorAllocate(255,0,255);  # N
$white = $gd->colorAllocate(255,255,255);  # undefined aren't drawn
$gray = $gd->colorAllocate(210,210,210);
%colors = ("A", $green, "C", $blue, "G",$black, "T", $red, "N",
$magenta, " ",$white);

#$start_base = index(lc($sequence),lc($LEFT_SEQ));
$start_base = find_match($sequence,$LEFT_SEQ);

#if($end_base = rindex(lc($sequence),lc($RIGHT_SEQ)) > 0){
$end_base = find_match($sequence,$RIGHT_SEQ, 1);
 $end_base += length($RIGHT_SEQ);

# get the coords of the features on the image
@coords = $graph->get_hotspot(1);
$size = @coords;
$printed_num = 1;
$basecount = 0;
$numstoprint = $basecount - $start_base;

# draw the colored bases and scale at top and bottom of image
for ($i=0,$count = 0; $i<$size; $i++) {
  $c = $coords[$i];
  (undef, $xs, undef, undef, undef, undef) = @$c;
  $base = $bases[$i];
  if($base =~ /[ACGTN]/){
   if($start_base - 1 == $basecount){$start_base_coord = $xs;}
   if($end_base - 1 == $basecount){$end_base_coord = $xs;}
   if(defined($SIZE) && $start_base+$SIZE -2 ==
$basecount){$end_base_coord_by_size = $xs;}
   $printed_num = 0;
  # print the bases top and bottom
  $gd->string(GD::Font->Small(),$xs,$height - 30,$base,$colors{$base});

  # print scale
  if($basecount > 0 && $numstoprint % 10 == 0 && $printed_num == 0){
      $gd->string(GD::Font->Small(),$xs,$height -
      $printed_num = 1;
      $gd->string(GD::Font->Small(),$xs,$height -
      $printed_num = 1;
  $top_right_corner = $xs;

# only draw the clipped region if the calculated size is + or - 6bp
#if(($end_base - $start_base) - $SIZE <= 6 && ($end_base - $start_base)
- $SIZE >= -6 ){
# draw the clipped regions as gray
  #if LEFT_SEQ supplied and a match found
  if($LEFT_SEQ && $start_base > 0){
     $gd->filledRectangle(38,35,$start_base_coord - 1,$height -
     $clipped = 1;
 #if RIGHT_SEQ supplied and a match found
 if($RIGHT_SEQ && $end_base > 0){
   print join("\t", ($end_base)),"\n";
   $gd->filledRectangle($end_base_coord,35,$top_right_corner,$height -
   $clipped = 1;
 #if no RIGHT_SEQ supplied or no match found, use left match + seq
 if(!$RIGHT_SEQ || $end_base < 0){
t - 33,$blue);
  $clipped = 1;

# set height based on max trace within clipped region
   $graph->set(	y_max_value => 3000);#$abi->get_max_trace() + 50);

  # need to re-plot the data over the grayed out area
  $graph->plot(\@data) if $clipped;


#print the graph
open(OUT, ">$outfile") or die "can't open output file: $outfile\n";
binmode OUT;
print OUT $gd->png;
close OUT;

sub find_match{
  my ($sequence,$query,$last) = @_;
  return -1 if length($query) < 6;
  my($odds, $evens, $ones, $twos, $threes, $match_pos);
    # try exact match
    $match_pos = do_regex($query, $sequence,$last); return $match_pos if
$match_pos > 0;

    # try matching every second base starting from the second base e.g.
it will be .C.T.C.G.etc
    map {m/(\w)(\w)/g;  $odds.="$1."; $evens.=".$2"}
    $match_pos = do_regex($odds, $sequence,$last);   return $match_pos
if $match_pos > 0;
    $match_pos = do_regex($evens, $sequence,$last);  return $match_pos
if $match_pos > 0;

    # try matching every third base starting from the first base e.g. it
will be C..T..G..T etc
    map {m/(\w)(\w)(\w)/g; $ones.="$1.."; $twos.=".$2.";
$threes.="..$3"} ($query =~m/(\w\w\w)/g);
    $match_pos = do_regex($ones, $sequence,$last);   return $match_pos
if $match_pos > 0;
    $match_pos = do_regex($twos, $sequence,$last);   return $match_pos
if $match_pos > 0;
    $match_pos = do_regex($threes, $sequence,$last); return $match_pos
if $match_pos > 0;

     # not found
     return -1;

sub do_regex(){
	my ($query,$sequence,$last)= @_;
    #print "trying $query \n";
    my $result = -1;
      $result = pos($sequence)-length($query)+1 if $last && ($sequence
=~ m/.*($query)/ig);
      $result = pos($sequence)-length($query)+1 if($sequence =~
    return $result;


> -----Original Message-----
> From: bioperl-l-bounces at lists.open-bio.org
[mailto:bioperl-l-bounces at lists.open-
> bio.org] On Behalf Of Lee Katz
> Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2007 2:28 p.m.
> To: bioperl-l at lists.open-bio.org
> Subject: [Bioperl-l] chromatogram
> Hi,
> I would like to know how to draw a chromatogram file.  Does anyone
> have any sample code where you read in an scf file and create a jpeg
> or other image file?
> For that matter, I want to be able to customize these images with base
> calls if possible.  I really appreciate the help, so thanks!
> --
> Lee Katz
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