[Bioperl-l] error using standaloneblast through webserver

Torsten Seemann torsten.seemann at infotech.monash.edu.au
Mon Jul 30 23:27:46 UTC 2007


> Hi, i'm trying to run a bioperl script in linux with standaloneblast
> from a webserver but I have the following error:
> -------------------- WARNING ---------------------
> MSG: cannot find path to blastall
> ---------------------------------------------------
> $ENV{BLASTDATADIR} = '/usr/local/data/';
> $ENV{PATH} .= ':/usr/local/blast-2.2.16';
> $ENV{BLASTDIR} = '/usr/local/blast-2.2.16/';

I think the last one (or two) paths should be
'/usr/local/blast-2.2.16/bin' as the bin/ subdirectory of a standard
BLAST installation is where the 'blastall' binary actually lives.

--Torsten Seemann
--Victorian Bioinformatics Consortium, Monash University

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