[Bioperl-l] Splitting Bioperl and Test related Suggestions

David Messina dmessina at wustl.edu
Thu Jul 5 14:39:16 EDT 2007

> The real answer is to get out a stable 1.6 ASAP.  The problem we  
> currently have is (horrible Texas pun) 'too many pokers in the  
> fire.'  We have svn migration, major changes in the test suite,  
> talk about splitting bioperl, a lot of bugs to sort through, new  
> code to add or work on, etc.  Not to mention our $jobs!

Yep, I hear ya.

> I think we should just bite the bullet and proceed with pulling out  
> the controversial operator overloading in Bio::Annotation*,  
> deprecate the tag methods in AnnotatableI, and go about fixing  
> everything up.  If that occurs (which seems to be the major  
> impediment) and we get GMOD/GBrowse playing well with BioPerl then  
> we can aim for a new stable release, and then institute a regular  
> release cycle.

That's a great plan. You're right -- better to devote energy to 1.6  
than to interim solutions.

Alright, I give, I give! :)

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