[Bioperl-l] Blast temporary open files not closed

ende mmacho at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 11:46:27 UTC 2006

El 10/09/2006, a las 18:40, Hilmar Lapp escribió:

> On Sep 10, 2006, at 12:33 PM, ende wrote:
>> I remain a bit confused but it seems as you say that things don't  
>> work as they should.
> I wasn't saying that they don't work as they should - I was only  
> saying that they don't necessarily work as *you* think they should.
> There were most certainly reasons behind the implementation that  
> may not concern you but do concern others. Bioperl needs to serve a  
> variety of requirements and won't be optimized (but should still  
> work!) for everybody's application.

but you must understand that is not obvious that a  local variable  
made persistent ($blastResult) because you return it.... should keep  
reference to temporary files that are only built for blastall  
execution needs.  All the data are send to doblast via memory vars  
and returned via memory vars...  BioPerl ought to convert the content  
of the result to local memory vars and close and delete any /tmp/ 
temporary files before returning!!  IMHO.

> Great to hear that you got your issue fixed though.

you are very kindly.

---- ende

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