[Bioperl-l] Changing default reply-to on this list

Sendu Bala bix at sendu.me.uk
Tue Nov 21 14:58:58 EST 2006

David Messina wrote:
>> it would avoid people being replied to getting multiple copies
>> of the reply - one direct, a second from the mailing list.
> This behavior can be changed by going to
> http://lists.open-bio.org/mailman/listinfo/bioperl-l
> entering your subscribed email address in the last field on the page,  
> clicking the "unsubscribe or edit options" button to the right of  
> that field.
> On the next page, enter your password in the password field and click  
> "Log in". On the options page that you see next, the last option,  
> called "Avoid duplicate copies of messages?", should be set to "Yes"  
> if you don't want multiple copies.

Ah, thanks for that.

Given Hilmar's reply, forget the proposal. I'll just live in misery :(

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