[Bioperl-l] SCF files
Alexander Kozik
akozik at atgc.org
Fri Nov 3 17:29:49 EST 2006
Hi all,
There is a contradiction in opinions (I have used google search) what
type of data SCF files (sequencing chromatograms) carry. Could you help
to clarify following topics:
are these statements true or false:
1. SCF files can be generated by Phred program only.
2. new version of Phred can read SCF files produced by older version of
Phred and re-do basecalling with new quality scores [new quality scores
could be different because of the improvements/changes in a basecalling
3. SCF files contain no less information as original AB1 files [in other
words, no information lost during conversion of AB1 to SCF]
Alexander Kozik
Bioinformatics Specialist
Genome and Biomedical Sciences Facility
451 East Health Sciences Drive
University of California
Davis, CA 95616-8816
Phone: (530) 754-9127
email: akozik at atgc.org
web: http://www.atgc.org/
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