[Bioperl-l] Multiple gene segment problem
Marco Blanchette
mblanche at berkeley.edu
Fri Mar 10 20:05:22 EST 2006
Dear all--
One more unusual behavior from the latest GadFly gff3 database loaded into
mySQL... I had been following Lincoln Stein advice as to how populate a
Bio::DB::GFF mySQL database with GadFly. Everything seemed to work nicely
but somehow, while calling for gene segment based on CG ids, I hit a CG with
more than one assignment as in
use strict;
use Bio::DB::GFF;
my $agg1 = Bio::DB::GFF::Aggregator->new( -method => 'pre_mRNA',
-sub_parts =>
my $dmdb = Bio::DB::GFF->new( -adaptor => 'dbi::mysql',
-dsn => 'dbi:mysql:database=dmel_421;host=riolab.net',
-user => 'guest',
-aggregators=> [$agg1],
my @hits = ('CG2086', 'CG17894', 'CG32912');
for my $gene (@hits){
my $tg = $dmdb->segment(-name => $gene);
print "$gene is ", $tg->length, " nt long\n";
When I tried to get the segment for gene CG32912, I get the following:
------------- EXCEPTION -------------
MSG: multiple segment exception
STACK Bio::DB::GFF::_multiple_return_args
STACK Bio::DB::GFF::segment /Library/Perl/5.8.6/Bio/DB/GFF.pm:938
STACK toplevel test.pl:19
Any clue??? Any fix???
Marco Blanchette, Ph.D.
mblanche at uclink.berkeley.edu
Donald C. Rio's lab
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
16 Barker Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3204
Tel: (510) 642-1084
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