[Bioperl-l] Bio::*Taxonomy* changes

Chris Fields cjfields at uiuc.edu
Thu Jul 27 21:19:51 EDT 2006


>> Don't know if it has been attempted but it would be nice to have a  
>> way for
>> building taxonomic trees from Node/Taxon information using a  
>> Taxonomy-like
>> container object.  I like the way NCBI does something along these  
>> lines with
>> BLAST output now.
> Not really sure what you mean. I don't think you'd require a container
> object to do any particular task. Can you clarify?

Let's say you start with a list of sequence IDs from a BLAST report  
and wanted to find the taxonomic relationship between the BLAST  
hits.  NCBI does something similar to this in their last few BLAST  
output revisions from the CGI interface; they have a link which  
contains the organisms ranked taxonomically in various ways.  There  
is probably a Bioperl-specific way of doing this but I haven't spent  
the effort yet working out how.

No big deal, really.  I have PLENTY else to work on.

Christopher Fields
Postdoctoral Researcher
Lab of Dr. Robert Switzer
Dept of Biochemistry
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

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