[Bioperl-l] obo_parser.t test warnings

Sohel Merchant s-merchant at northwestern.edu
Mon Jul 24 11:09:49 EDT 2006

Hey Chris,
  I usually run perl with all warnings disabled.  So I never saw these. I
will put a fix to them sometime this week. 


From: Chris Fields [mailto:cjfields at uiuc.edu] 
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2006 2:10 PM
To: bioperl-l List; Hilmar Lapp; s-merchant at northwestern.edu
Subject: obo_parser.t test warnings

Hilmar, Sohel,

Didn't know who to notify, so sorry in advance about cross-posting this to
the list. I was running through cleaning up some bugs and found that
obo_parser.t is throwing a ton of warnings:

bayou-75:~/Chris/Bioperl/bioperl-live natashacapell$ perl -I. -w
"my" variable $val masks earlier declaration in same scope at
Bio/OntologyIO/obo.pm line 592.
"my" variable $qh masks earlier declaration in same scope at
Bio/OntologyIO/obo.pm line 592.
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at Bio/OntologyIO/obo.pm line 239,
<GEN0> line 13.

Good news: all tests pass!


Christopher Fields
Postdoctoral Researcher
Lab of Dr. Robert Switzer
Dept of Biochemistry
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

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