[Bioperl-l] New EMBL format parsing/writing

simon andrews (BI) simon.andrews at bbsrc.ac.uk
Mon Jul 24 09:34:10 EDT 2006

I few weeks ago I saw a couple of messages on this list mentioning the
new ID/SV line format used in the latest EMBL release.  I'm in the
process of moving our database server over to the new format and was
looking to update SeqIO::embl.pm.

I'm sure someone said they'd made a patch to fix up parsing of the new
format, but I can't find it either in CVS or bugzilla.

Rather than do this again myself can someone point me to an updated
SeqIO::embl.pm please?  If there isn't one then I'll look into making
the patch myself.

Since this is such a major change are there any plans to put out a new
release with this fix included?  I'm sure this will start to bite more
people as the new format becomes more widely adopted.



Simon Andrews PhD
Bioinformatics Group
The Babraham Institute

simon.andrews at bbsrc.ac.uk
+44 (0) 1223 496463 

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