[Bioperl-l] SNP reference file download

vrramnar at student.cs.uwaterloo.ca vrramnar at student.cs.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jul 20 19:18:27 EDT 2006

Hello All,

I was wondering if anyone knew how to download an entire SNP reference file from 
NCBI?? Or even downloading the sequence data for a particular SNP.

I know how to do this via Bio::DB::GenBank, Bio::DB::SwissP, etc.. when referring 
to NM_##### but when I try to access rs###### files I am unsure of what Bio::DB 
to point to, if there is one.

For example, if I had the accession number: rs4986950 How could I retrieve NCBI's 
entire reference file for this SNP record OR just the SNP sequence relating to 
this accession number.

Any help on this subject would greatly be appreciated,


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