[Bioperl-l] formatdb with the nr database

Hubert Prielinger hubert.prielinger at gmx.at
Tue Jan 24 16:15:38 EST 2006

hi alex,
I have done, as you recommended and got the following output:

[Hubert at ppc7 ~]$ file /home/Hubert/blast/blast-2.2.13/bin/blastall
/home/Hubert/blast/blast-2.2.13/bin/blastall: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, 
AMD x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.4.1, dynamically linked 
(uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.4.1, not stripped
[Hubert at ppc7 ~]$

does it mean, that it is compatible with the operating system

thanks for help

Alexander Kozik wrote:

> try Unix command "file", for example:
> bash-2.03$ file /usr/local/genome/bin/blastall
> /usr/local/genome/bin/blastall: ELF 64-bit MSB executable SPARCV9 
> Version 1, UltraSPARC1 Extensions Required, dynamically linked, stripped
> bash-2.03$
> it will tell if it's compatible with the operating system
> -Alex
> Hubert Prielinger wrote:
>>thank you very much for the help, I have tried to run the blastall on 
>>commandline, but I can't even execute the binary file, nevertheless the 
>>blastall exe file have every permission...
>>I always get the error message: blastall: cannot execute the binary file
>>Need to be the exe file somewhere else, another path...now it is located 
>>under /home/Hubert/blast/blast-2.2.13/bin
>>Scott Markel wrote:
>>>If you look at the MSG line in the exception you can see
>>>exactly what the command line was.  Nagesh is pointing out
>>>that you used -d "/nr" and asking if that's what you want.
>>>I suspect that the '/' shouldn't be there.
>>>Try invoking blastall directly from the command line.  All
>>>BioPerl is doing is invoking BLAST on your behalf.  The
>>>same command line that BioPerl uses should also work for
>>>you on the command line.
>>>Hubert Prielinger wrote:
>>>>sorry, but what do you mean with is your blast database in /nr...
>>>>my database is located in the path /home/Hubert/blast/blast-2.2.13/data
>>>>Nagesh Chakka wrote:
>>>>>Can you just run the blast from the command line.
>>>>>Is your blast database in "/nr".
>>>>>Hubert Prielinger wrote:
>>>>>>Hi Nagesh,
>>>>>>thank you very much, I put my database into the data folder, run 
>>>>>>the program and got the following error message:
>>>>>>submit Sequence...just do it....
>>>>>>sh: /home/Hubert/blast/blast-2.2.13/bin/blastall: cannot execute 
>>>>>>binary file
>>>>>>------------- EXCEPTION  -------------
>>>>>>MSG: blastall call crashed: 32256 
>>>>>>/home/Hubert/blast/blast-2.2.13/bin/blastall -p  blastp  -d  "/nr"  
>>>>>>-i  /tmp/QTZfYMbgLM  -e  20000  -o  /tmp/v3YwWvONZ1  -v  1000  -b  
>>>>>>STACK Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast::_runblast 
>>>>>>STACK Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast::_generic_local_blast 
>>>>>>STACK Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast::blastall 
>>>>>>STACK toplevel 
>>>>>>Why it did not find my binary file, but it is there
>>>>>>Nagesh Chakka wrote:
>>>>>>>The following is from the StandAloneBlast.pm documentation
>>>>>>>" If the databases which will be searched by BLAST are located in the
>>>>>>>data subdirectory of the blast program directory (the default
>>>>>>>installation location), StandAloneBlast will find them; however, 
>>>>>>>if the
>>>>>>>database files are located in any other location, environmental 
>>>>>>>$BLASTDATADIR will need to be set to point to that directory."
>>>>>>>Please note that I have not used this module before.
>>>>>>>On Mon, 2006-01-23 at 17:08 -0600, Hubert Prielinger wrote:
>>>>>>>>thank you very much for the help, another questions that raises 
>>>>>>>>up, do I have to write the path to the database files as well, I 
>>>>>>>>guess so, but how I do that, the same way I write the path to teh 
>>>>>>>>blast bin files?
>>>>>>>>Does anybody know how to set the Composition based statistics 
>>>>>>>>there is my code:
>>>>>>>>#!/usr/bin/perl -w
>>>>>>>>use Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast;
>>>>>>>>use Bio::Seq;
>>>>>>>>use Bio::SeqIO;
>>>>>>>>use strict;
>>>>>>>>   $ENV{PATH}=":/home/Hubert/blast/blast-2.2.13/bin/:";
>>>>>>>># parameters
>>>>>>>>my $expect_value = 20000;
>>>>>>>>#my $filter_query_sequence = 'F';
>>>>>>>>my $one_line_description = 1000;
>>>>>>>>my $alignments = 1000;
>>>>>>>># my $strands = 1;
>>>>>>>>my $count = 1;
>>>>>>>>my @params = ('program' => 'blastp', 'database' => 'nr');
>>>>>>>>#my $progress_interval = 100;
>>>>>>>>my $seqio_obj = Bio::SeqIO->new(
>>>>>>>> -file   => "Perm.txt",
>>>>>>>> -format => "raw",
>>>>>>>># create factory
>>>>>>>> object and set parameters
>>>>>>>>my $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast->new(@params);
>>>>>>>># get query
>>>>>>>>while ( my $query = $seqio_obj->next_seq ) {
>>>>>>>>     my $blast_report = $factory->blastall($query);
>>>>>>>>     my $filename = "comp_$count.txt";
>>>>>>>>     my $factory->outfile($filename);
>>>>>>>>     print $query->seq;
>>>>>>>>     print "\n";
>>>>>>>> $count++;
>>>>>>>>thank you very much in advance
>>>>>>>>Nagesh Chakka wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Hi Hubert,
>>>>>>>>>I downloaded the nr.00.tar.gz file a week ago. I was able to get 
>>>>>>>>>the following files
>>>>>>>>>.phr, .pin, .pnd, .pni, .ppd, .ppi, .psd, .psi, .psq, .pal 
>>>>>>>>>files. I have no trouble in running standalone blast. You are 
>>>>>>>>>not required to run formardb on the downloaded blast databases 
>>>>>>>>>and that may be the reason why the sequences are not included as 
>>>>>>>>>it will also reduce the size of the file.
>>>>>>>>>Did you try to run a blast search, if so is it giving you any 
>>>>>>>>>Hubert Prielinger wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>I have downloaded the nr database for doing a blast search 
>>>>>>>>>>locally, now I'm supposed to index the database with formatdb, 
>>>>>>>>>>but it doesn't work...
>>>>>>>>>>The online help says that you need a fasta file that is indexed 
>>>>>>>>>>to use for searching the database, but when I uncompressed the 
>>>>>>>>>>zip file, there were only .phr, .pnd, .pin, .pni, .ppd file....
>>>>>>>>>>Is there anybody who can tell me, how to use formatdb with the 
>>>>>>>>>>nr database...
>>>>>>>>>>Help is very appreciated
>>>>>>>>>>Thank you very much in advance
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