[Bioperl-l] Fwd: bioperl for fasta searches

Aaron J. Mackey amackey at pcbi.upenn.edu
Mon May 30 08:19:27 EDT 2005

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Caroline Reiff" <c.reiff at macaulay.ac.uk>
> Date: May 30, 2005 6:37:13 AM EDT
> To: <amackey at virginia.edu>
> Subject: bioperl for fasta searches
> Hi,
> I am wondering whether there is a bioperl script that allows to do  
> multiple fastasearches at once.
> -reading the sequences in fastaformat from a file
> -allows option where you can select the database searched
> -returns the result for each sequence into an outputfile.
> I have found a script like this for Blast but prefer to do a Fasta  
> search as Fasta provides a more suitable database (lacking  
> environmental clones) for our prokaryotic sequence searches.
> It would be great if you could help,
> Many thanks,
> CAroline

Aaron J. Mackey, Ph.D.
Project Manager, ApiDB Bioinformatics Resource Center
Penn Genomics Institute, University of Pennsylvania
email:  amackey at pcbi.upenn.edu
office: 215-898-1205
fax:    215-746-6697
postal: Penn Genomics Institute
         Goddard Labs 212
         415 S. University Avenue
         Philadelphia, PA  19104-6017

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