[Bioperl-l] Bioperl-ext, Staden and x86_64

Andrew.Mather at dpi.vic.gov.au Andrew.Mather at dpi.vic.gov.au
Tue Jul 19 00:11:48 EDT 2005

Hi Bioperlers

I'm having some problems getting the bioperl-ext to install under RHEL3
Update 5 for Opteron.

I guess it's not strictly a Bioperl problem, but I figure someone here will
have tried this before I and can offer some advice.

The problem seems to be related to the Staden io_lib.  Version 1.8.11
wouldn't compile, as the configure fails since it doesn't appear to
undertsand Opterons.  I looked around and found Verison 1.9.0 on
Sourceforge and this appears to compile cleanly, however it doesn't look
like it's left any .so files in /usr/local/lib  (or anywhere else for that

>From reading the staden::read makefile, this (and I'm guesing it's this )
causes the make process to fail and I can't build ext.  It leaves the .a
files, but no .so files.  I've copied the Read, os and configure header
files into /usr/local/include, which seems to be a common problem, but this
makes no difference.

Has anyone on the list compiled the staden io_lib on Opteron ?  If so,
pointers to appropriate info/versions etc gratefully received.


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