[Bioperl-l] What's that number?

michael michael at galton.ucl.ac.uk
Thu Oct 23 16:01:59 EDT 2003

	Is there any code out there that can make an educated guess to the
origin of any given (biological) ID/accession number?

	X93993 AJ010957 are both valid EMBL accession numbers, P47202
looks similar but is from swissprot (a bit of digging reveals the
swissprot patten as /[OPQ]\d[A-Z\d][A-Z\d][A-Z\d]\d/ ).  Failing code is
there a biological name space document out there?

	I'm writing a public gene symbol submission form and want it to do
the right thing regardless of where the data is pasted in.

Michael John Lush PhD		 	 Tel:44-20-7679-5027
Nomenclature Bioinformatics Support 	 Fax:44-20-7387-3496
HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee Email:  nome at galton.ucl.ac.uk
The Galton Laboratory
University College London, UK
URL: http://www.gene.ucl.ac.uk/nomenclature/

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