[Bioperl-l] new to the group. And a quick demo of SVG::GD

Ronan Oger ronan at roasp.com
Thu Nov 13 16:22:26 EST 2003


My name is Ronan Oger, I am the lead developer of the SVG module.

One of the focuses of my current work is SVG::GD, a wrapper for the GD module 
to provide SVG (vector) output instead of raster.


I've been doing some tests with GD and GD derivatives, and since bioperl is a 
fairly heavy user of GD, I have been testing around some bioperl code to see 
how it works.

There are some real issues in the SVG::GD at this point, but several people 
are working on it and progress is being made.

Clearly this is not production code at this stage. In particular, font support 
is still very poor, and font positions are still broken.

However, here is a bioperl-specific sample (you need an SVG-compliant browser, 
such as IE with Adobe or Corel's SVG viewers installed.

A png and its svg friend taken from a bio-related example on the net

More prolific example comparisons

The SVG::GD module (version 0.07):
(This module has a dependency on SVG, which is on CPAN)
When it ripens, the module will live on CPAN.

I'd appreciate some feedback, issues, etc. In particular, relating to the 
module's usability.

All the best,


Ronan Oger
Serverside SVG Portal

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