[Bioperl-l]more inheritance

Richard Adams Richard.Adams at ed.ac.uk
Fri Aug 1 07:04:27 EDT 2003

Just while people are talking about inheritance:
    I'm writing some Bio::Tools:Analysis modules (they're in the CVS)
which run remote sequence analyses, and parse the results
into a variety of formats, including  Bio::Seq::Meta::Array objects
(which hold residue specific data)and Bio::SeqFeature objects (which
usually just hold significant results).

            e.g., my $tool =
Bio::Tools::Analysis::Protein::Domcut->new(-seq =>$seq);#predicts domain
boundaries in proteins
                    $tool->run; #submits query and retrieves result
                    my $meta = $tool->result('all');
                    my @fts = $tool->result(Bio::SeqFeatureI');

    The problem iswhether $seq  needs to be a PrimarySeq object (needed
for Bio::Seq::Meta::Array methods to work as it extends from
Bio::LocatableSeq, which ISA PrimarySeq ) or a Seq object (needed as
input if you want to  hangs SeqFeatures onto it), but what if you want

My  work around (implementing a suggestion by Heikki) at the moment is
to have Bio::Seq::Meta::Array inheriting from Bio::LocatableSeq by
default, but if the constructor
receives a -baseclass = Bio::Seq entry in its argument list it alters
@ISA to  inherit from Bio::Seq. This works (i.e., you can get meta
sequence methodsAND SeqFeature methods  now after a submitting a
Bio::Seq object to the analysis), but I'm not sure that dynamically
altering inheritance is  a good idea.

    So in this case might it be better for LocatableSeq or Seq objects
to <have> meta sequence methods by aggregation,
rather than <become> meta sequences?
Or alternatively just make the problem clear in the documentation aand
let the user deal with it?
Would be grateful for any suggestions - I have several of Analysis
modules to submit but would like to get this sorted out before
committing them.



Dr Richard Adams
Psychiatric Genetics Group,
Medical Genetics,
Molecular Medicine Centre,
Western General Hospital,
Crewe Rd West,
Edinburgh UK

Tel: 44 131 651 1084
richard.adams at ed.ac.uk

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