[Bioperl-l] EMBL/Genbank pass-thru proxy for Bio::DB::GFF
Lincoln Stein
Mon, 6 May 2002 14:35:39 -0400
Hi All,
The Bio::DB::GFF module now has an adaptor called "biofetch", which is a
pass-thru proxy for Genbank/EMBL. If the caller requests a landmark of type
"Accession" and the landmark isn't found in the local database, the module
uses the biofetch accessor to fetch and parse the corresponding Genbank/EMBL
entry. The entry is then stored into Bio::DB::GFF for use later.
The upshot of this is that GBrowse can now be used as a simple visualization
front end for the entry databases. To see how it works, try this:
I've only tried loading BAC and organelle-sized entries so far. It will
undoubtedly take a LONG time to parse an arabidopsis chromosome, let alone a
Another unresolved issue is how to check for updates. Currently this doesn't
happen. However it should work properly if you request a dotted accession
It seems to me that an on-demand loader would be very useful with BioSQL, no?