[Bioperl-l] parse psiblast reports
Peter Schattner
Fri, 19 Oct 2001 08:10:27 -0700
Geetha Vasudevan wrote:
> Hello:
> I am trying to parse psiblast reports for the HSPs of the query and the
> subject sequences. Is it possible to do this using BPpsilite ?
> something like $hsp->seq('query')->layout('fasta') and
> $hsp->('sbjct')->layout('fasta') which I find only in blast.pm and not
> for psiblast.
It is possible to parse psiblast reports for the HSPs of the query and
subject sequences.
Syntax will look something like this:
use Bio::Tools::BPpsilite;
$report = new BPpsilite(-fh=>\*STDIN);
$total_iterations = $report->number_of_iterations;
$last_iteration = $report->round($total_iterations)
while(my $sbjct = $last_iteration ->nextSbjct) {
while (my $hsp = $sbjct->nextHSP) {$hsp->score; }
See bptutorial section III.4.3 (from which the above was taken) or, for
more details, the synopsis and description sections of BPpsilite.pm and
The layout subroutine, however, is not provided in BPpsilite. If you want
to output a sequence in Fasta you will need to use SeqIO.pm
Peter Schattner