[Bioperl-l] Incompatibility with Perl v5.6.0 [Fwd: XML::Parse test fails]

Heikki Lehvaslaiho heikki@ebi.ac.uk
Wed, 31 Jan 2001 16:52:20 +0000

It might be worth adding this into release notes of the upcoming 0.7
release. As a result Bio::Variation XML input and output does not work
under Perl v5.6.0.

We have to pray that 5.6.1 will be out soon.


David Megginson wrote:
> Heikki Lehvaslaiho writes:
>  > I recently upgraded to Perl v5.6.0. As result the XML::Parse test
>  > script fails and CPAN does not install it:
> There is a known bug in Perl 5.6 when passing array references.
> All the best,
> David
> --
> David Megginson                 david@megginson.com
>            http://www.megginson.com/

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