[Bioperl-l] 'standard' URL/HTTP handling

chris dagdigian dag@fedayi.sonsorol.org
Sun, 24 Sep 2000 10:21:13 -0500 (EST)

The code that Aaron put inside modules like GenBank.pm came directly from
one of the LWP modules. Also - Steve Chervit's has his BLAST submission
code *already* dependent on LWP modules including HTTP::Request::Common
and LWP::UserAgent. 

The LWP modules (libwww-perl on CPAN) are very well done and handle all
sorts of things like firewalls and proxy issues that we do not want to be
dealing with ourselves. 

To me it is a no-brainer that bioperl should use the external LWP code to
do any sort of web or HTTP protocol talking. Because of the BLAST code
this set of modules is already on our list of external optional
dependencies so standardizing on LWP will not even add another module to
our dependency list.


Chris Dagdigian         (Home:Work) Blackstone Technology Group
dag@sonsorol.org             :      dagdigian@ComputeFarm.com
http://www.sonsorol.org      :      http://www.computefarm.com
http://open-bio.org          :      Mobile (617) 877-5498
Schedule & full contact info http://www.sonsorol.org/dag/contact.html