Bioperl: Re: Bio::Tools::Blast

Lincoln Stein
Fri, 28 Aug 1998 10:41:44 -0400

Ewan Birney writes:
 > > Is there an ASN.1 parser in BioPerl?
 > I'm planning to write an XS interface into readseq which I think also
 > includes ASN.1 for sequences (?)
 > But a full-blown parser? Would we want/need one? (ie... do you mean ASN.1
 > as a general parser, or ASN.1 just for sequences)

Sounds to me like the readseq XS interface will do just fine.  I know
that Lewis Geer is still working on the NCBI Toolbox interface, but
I've also heard that he's been drafted to work on the next release of
PubMed.  Guess where NCBI's priorities will be? :-(


Lincoln D. Stein                           Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory			                  Cold Spring Harbor, NY
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