[Biojava-l] JavaPrimer3

Fred Long 4uqgefapzu at liamekaens.com
Wed Jul 15 02:49:59 UTC 2020

Hi. I ported primer3's thal() function to Java as part of a multiplex PCR project I've been working on, and I thought you guys might be interested.  (Thal() calculates thermodynamic properties and melting temperature for oligos, and allows for mismatches, loops, gaps, dangling ends, etc.  If you have Primer3 installed, run "ntthal" for the C front end.)

Primer3 has uses the GNU General Public License v2.0, so I'm not sure if JavaPrimer3 could actually be included as a part of BioJava.  I emailed the maintainers of Primer3 about JavaPrimer3 and didn't get any response back.

Anyway, here's the github link if anybody is interested in checking it out: https://github.com/Frederooni/JavaPrimer3

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