[Biojava-l] NCBI SOAP interface

Bruno Aranda - Dev bruno_dev at ebiointel.com
Wed Jul 21 03:13:40 EDT 2004

Hi Russell,

Maybe now it's a bit late to answer but, anyway, I've tested the NCBI web
services and they work ok. Here is how I run the Esearch service (you will
get a list of GI for the query given):

		// Make a service
            EUtilsServiceLocator service = new EUtilsServiceLocator();

            // Now use the service to get access to operations
            EUtilsServiceSoap utils = service.geteUtilsServiceSoap();

            // Make the actual call
            _eSearchRequest parameters = new _eSearchRequest();
            parameters.setReldate(new Integer(60));
            _eSearchResult res = utils.run_eSearch(parameters);

		// prints the number of results
            System.out.println("RESULTS: "+res.getRetMax());
            // print the GIs
            IdListType list = res.getIdList();
            String[] ids = list.getId();
            for(int i=0; i<ids.length; i++)

Well, good luck with your searches!


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