[Biojava-l] Biosql performance numbers?

Christopher Mason Mason.Christopher at mayo.edu
Sun Sep 7 17:15:20 EDT 2003


Has anyone tried recently importing all of Swiss Prot, NCBInr, etc. into a 
biosql database on any RDBMS (postgres, mysql, oracle, etc.)?  If so, can 
you give me (even approximate) performance numbers (for loading, finding a 
specific sequence entry, iterating over all sequences, etc.) and ultimate 
database size on disk?  I'm trying to determine if using biosql is a viable 
way of architecting my application (which needs to do things to all 
sequences and then things to a specific, user chosen sequence).

I've tried loading all of sprot.dat to Postgres using bioperl, but this was 
a less than raging success (see my recent post to bioperl-l for details). 
I'll try again with UploadFlat (which I found after I started using 



[ Christopher Mason    MPRC Bioinformatics    cjm37 at mayo.edu ]

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