[Biojava-l] how to do multi-lined feature display

Keith James kdj at sanger.ac.uk
Tue Apr 1 15:22:43 EST 2003

>>>>> "Patrick" == Patrick McConnell <MCCon012 at mc.duke.edu> writes:

    Patrick> Using the imagemap infrastructure works really well.
    Patrick> Thanks!  It tooks some time figuring out how to hook
    Patrick> together all of the renderers, but I attribute that to my
    Patrick> lack of experience with BioJava.

Glad you like it. I did put it together in a hurry to solve an inhouse
problem, so it could do with a little rationalisation, not to mention
examples! I really /do/ mean to add this to the main docs.

    Patrick> I noticed that the ImapRenderer takes a URLFactory for
    Patrick> mapping URLs to hotspots.  URLs are somewhat too
    Patrick> restrictive here because URL's do not allow for relative
    Patrick> links, internal links (via #), or javascript.  I think a
    Patrick> String is more suitable.  That being said, you can get
    Patrick> around this simply by constructing the URL when you print
    Patrick> your image map out instead of during image rendering.

That's a valid point. I'll look into changing this. It would just need
another constructor to allow a different factory to be supplied
(LinkFactory or something with a more sensible name...).



- Keith James <kdj at sanger.ac.uk> bioinformatics programming support -
- Pathogen Sequencing Unit, The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK -

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