[Biojava-l] beginner problem ?

Warth,Rainer,LAUSANNE,NRC/BS rainer.warth@rdls.nestle.com
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 14:24:33 +0200

Dear all,
   sorry to bug you for this basic question, but I do not see what is wrong
I am on my WindowsNT laptop. This is what I did
-1- build biojava1.22 with ant
-2- placed biojava.jar bytecode-0.91.jar and xerces.jar in
-3- and then see below...

I had a similiar problem with on True64 Compaq server. So I guess I have a
basic problem.
I had it once running on my Windows 2000 laptop, however.

02-10-21  17:31         <DIR>          CVS
02-10-21  17:31         <DIR>          db
02-02-06  20:45                  1'308 GCContent.java
01-04-04  18:00                  2'683 SimpleAssemblyTest.java
02-10-22  11:50                  2'383 TestEmbl.class
02-02-06  20:45                  1'189 TestEmbl.java
01-04-04  18:00                  1'618 TestEmbl2.java
02-02-06  20:45                  3'088 TestGenbank.java
02-02-06  20:45                  3'160 TestRefSeqPrt.java
02-02-06  20:45                  1'692 TestSubSequence.java
02-02-06  20:45                  1'128 TestSwissprot.java
01-01-26  16:25                    932 TestTranslation.java
00-11-17  18:42                  1'208 utrs.fa
              17 File(s)        290'041 bytes
                          2'034'669'568 bytes free

C:\F_Computer\Java_src\biojava-live\demos\seq>cd ..

C:\F_Computer\Java_src\biojava-live\demos>javac seq/TestEmbl.java

C:\F_Computer\Java_src\biojava-live\demos>java seq/TestEmbl AL121903
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:


Dr. Rainer Warth
Research Scientist Bioinformatics

Nestle Research Center
Vers-Chez-LES-BLANC	phone: 	+41/21 785 87 13
1000 LAUSANNE 26	FAX:	+41/21 785 89 25
SWITZERLAND		e-mail:	rainer.warth@rdls.nestle.com