[Biojava-l] Need a hand?

Shailesh L Mistry shailesh.mistry@globalgraphics.com
Thu, 18 Jul 2002 14:41:37 +0100

Hi Matthew,

> What are you interested in? Is there anything that you would like
> BioJava to do that it doesn't?

I am an ex-Sanger person trying to keep my hand in and help out where I can.
I had some free time a while back and helped out with porting Bioperl to NT.
I have just finished some Java coding with friends and I have some free time
coming up so I thought Biojava would be an ideal place to help out.

> You could do a quick skim through the bioperl functionality and see if we
> are totaly missing any area in biojava. I don't think we have any code for
> dealing with phylogenetic trees. Oh, and tutorials and documentation are
> always welcome.

do you have a list of specific things you need looking into?
